Synesthesia Names for Boys

From Colton to Theodore, here are 20 rich, bold names to consider for your little boy.

Bernadette Sheridan


Good Housekeeping recently released the most popular 100 baby boy names and trends to watch for in 2020. Coincidentally, I just released a Synesthesia project that answers the question, “What color is your name?”

Put them together and you get a list of the most handsome baby names for boys, according to the Synesthesia.Me project. I chose the top 20, but you can see all 100 here.

Wait, what is synesthesia?

Here is the simplest way i know to describe synesthesia: People with synesthesia have two senses happening at the same time. People with grapheme-color synesthesia associate (or “see”) letters and numbers with specific colors. It’s as if you put red parentheses around the letter a. Here’s an example of the name Heather:

Breaking it down: Every name I see or hear takes on a set of colors based on the letters in the name. To me, the colored blocks on the last line look exactly like what I see in my head when I look at the first line.

I’ve launched the project to document this phenomenon, and to share with you how I see your name. You can check it out here.

Now, let’s get to the most handsome baby boy names:



Bernadette Sheridan

Artist, designer and creator of the Synesthesia.Me project. What color is your name?